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                Zhengzhou Xidian Electric Co.,Ltd.

                       Zhengzhou Xidian Electric Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as"Zhengzhou Xidian")was founded in 2004 and is a service-oriented manufacturing enterprise in the fields of industrial electric,automation and information technology.In the course of more than ten years,we have encountered several challenges and made many important strategic choices.We have experienced a series of development stages such as scale expansion,mechanism change,brand building and market expansion.The company has advanced production equipment,perfect test and inspection equipment and strict quality control management system,and its technical equipment is at the advanced level in the same industry. Zhengzhou West Power"integrates research and development,production,sales and service.It is committed to providing safe,reliable and efficient power transformation and distribution equipment,power system automation equipment and enabling digital products for customers in the industries of industry,energy,electricity,transportation and construction.It covers more than 10 series,dozens of varieties and more than 100 specifications,mainly including 0-40.5 kV high and low voltage complete sets of electrical appliances,various distribution boxes,power cabinets,enclosed buses,bridges,DC switching equipment,reactive power compensation and filtering devices,as well as software and Internet of Things(enabling economy)products.The products have passed the 3C certification of China Quality Certification Center,CQC certification and ISO9001 quality management system certification,and the sales network covers more than 20 provinces,cities and autonomous regions.The company covers an area of more than 30,000 square meters and has a registered capital of 50 million yuan.At present,there are nearly 100 employees,of whom over 60%are professional technicians with bachelor's and master's degrees,with annual sales of over 100 million yuan. Zhengzhou West Power"is supported by technological systems such as science and technology,management and information,and is transforming to service-oriented manufacturing.In service-oriented manufacturing,we realize the interaction between enterprises and customers,full-process service,integration of products and services,mass customization,flexible manufacturing and network collaboration,etc.,reorganize and optimize the original enterprise processes,establish manufacturing service standards,and on this basis,effectively integrate information resources and information systems within and between enterprises,and further establish a collaborative manufacturing service platform including subsystems of product sales and services,procurement and collaborative manufacturing,comprehensive information management,production operations and control,product design and management,enterprise information portal,etc.Zhengzhou Xidian people pursue excellence,strive to improve the quality of products and make products excellent,strive to improve the quality of service and make the service perfect.The growth of more than ten years has accumulated a thick corporate culture,and"making top-quality products,equipping electricity and serving the society"has become the basic concept of the enterprise and the power source for Zhengzhou West Power Company to move forward. China is in the process of industrial transformation and upgrading.Opportunities and challenges coexist."Zhengzhou Xidian"will always adhere to the policy of"concept innovation,management innovation,service innovation,science and technology innovation and mechanism innovation"and create a better future with social elites with a global vision and open thinking.

                • Products that can withstand inspection
                • Customers all over the country
                • Team for the Future
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