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              1. <blockquote id='LVft4G'><q id='LVft4G'><noscript id='LVft4G'></noscript><dt id='LVft4G'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='LVft4G'><i id='LVft4G'></i>
                We are committed to promoting the reform of core technologies in the electrical field,continuously providing users with safe,reliable,stable and efficient future-oriented intelligent electrical system solutions,assisting industrial optimization,providing users with safe and reliable high-quality products and services,realizing users'sustainable development goals and creating value with users.
                • Medical
                  Ensuring patient safety is a top medical priority.Medical power management,low efficiency of electricity will produce budget burden,patient satisfaction is an important indicator of hospital work,comprehensive protection of all the safety of hospital people and things,improve patient safety indicators and reduce the cost of patients.
                • Wisdom city
                  Innovative operating technologies based on the Internet of things can help make cities more efficient, resilient and sustainable. Limited city budgets and new investments are used to improve the efficiency of the city's traditional systems and provide reliable energy requirements
                • Natural gas
                  Provide on-site technical support to ensure piping control room operators have the necessary experience to manage normal and abnormal operation activities; Optimize your processes with real-time process information and current external economic information to ensure high profitability with low energy consumption.
                • Chemical & petroleum
                  Protect chemical oil and gas plants from safety risks through redundant architectures, distributed control systems, and critical system insights and training; Through ease of use, extensibility, and security, as well as standards-based integration and rich enterprise interfaces.
                • Metallurgy and mining
                  Protect important assets through video security monitoring, advanced lightning detection systems, and integrated processes and machine security solutions; With our expert advisory services, we will achieve energy conservation throughout the energy management life cycle and achieve the sustainable development goals
                • Building & cement
                  Safety and security are necessary measures to ensure the safety of workers and plant equipment and facilities.Sustainability and energy management create value chain efficiencies for stakeholders and increase worker productivity
                Zhengzhou West Power Company is mainly engaged in the production of high and low voltage switching equipment,industrial and energy automation equipment,electric energy comprehensive treatment devices and other electric power equipment.As well as services such as power distribution product design,power engineering design,installation and construction,and maintenance and testing of power equipment and circuits,we always adhere to the principle of"survival by quality,development by reputation",strive to improve product quality and service quality,establish the brand image of"Xidian"and create a benchmark for industry quality.Looking ahead,we will integrate and empower the digital economy and build a better life together.At the same time,actively fulfill social responsibilities and promote China's green and sustainable development.
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